UPDATE: VFoC Video: Rebecca Black Spoken Word goes VIRAL!

What the huh!? I honestly thought Rebecca Black was played out by now but apparently the interwebs just can’t get enough of this spectacular train wreck. In just the last hour and a half since we posted our new video it’s already gotten an estimated 1,750,000 views! (We’ll explain “estimated”.) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cgu-Pe91Lx4] We’ve been in contact with […]

VFoC Video — "Greatest Stories Ever Written: Friday by Rebecca Black"

Always with our finger just outside the pulse of the American consciousness Van Full of Candy gives to you our celebration of this generation’s newest great story-teller. Rebecca Black’s inspiring song, a celebration of the julian calendar has taken hold of the internet viewing populace not because of its “absurdity” or “amateurish quality both in production […]