We live in a society that refuses to take responsibility for its ridiculous, nonsensical actions and is unwilling to sacrifice anything in order to simply live within’ its means. We’re like a country of coked up toddlers, too busy snapping all of our toys in half and screaming at the top of our lungs to understand why all of our shit is broken and our throats hurt.
So the country is broke. The country is broke and the state is broke. The country is broke and the state is broke and we don’t want to do anything about it. We can’t take money from one program to spend on another because the people who are getting that money already will never let it go and we can’t ask for more money because then EVERYONE will cry. Nobody likes taxes. And saying you’re in favor of higher taxes is the political equivalent of saying you would no longer like to work in politics. But taxes are how things that we need get paid for. Unfortunately. they’re also how things we don’t need get paid for, but you have to take the police with the under ground toad crossing tunnel project that is never used by a single unappreciative frog…
In the end, politicians scream and yell and abandon state and make a big giant show of getting absolutely nothing done when ultimately, the budget solutions are oh so simple. Now, I’m not a trained, certified Economizer, but I have a checking account and shit that I want and need and no one willing to loan me an endless supply of cash indefinitely solely on my word that I’m a decent dude. So I’ve learned how to manage a small amount of money is what I’m saying, and I’m here with a couple can’t lose budget deficit solutions for the great state of California, free of charge.
Number one: Freedom Packages.
Like any good cable provider knows, you need to bundle your products strategically in order to appeal to certain specific groups. The government can do the exact same thing. California can simply bundle sets of laws and services into differently priced tax packages so that the citizens of the state can decide which package of freedoms works best for them.
Your Basic Service package includes things like emergency rooms and public schools and police and roads. You pay for all of those, so you get to use those services. Of course if you’re going to pay less for the basic package you also have to pay for the less popular features that others don’t want to pay for like those government sponsored abortions that I keep hearing everyone has to have by the time they’re 14.
As you upgrade to more premium packages you get special perks that go along with it. For example, if you choose the Action Plus package, you get everything in the basic package along with features like a special licence plate that allows you to legally drive up to 95 miles per hour on any paved street in the state: highway, residential, handicapped school crossing, you paid for it, freedom loving citizen, and nobody can take it away from you.
Other package perks would include the Justice Bonus pack, which entitles you to serve as executioner for a death row inmate of your choice and the Ultra Sports Megapack where you get to coach any state sports team of your choice for one week of their upcoming season.
The other option is, if you can believe it, even simpler!
As best as I can figure it, California is facing a deficit somewhere in the neighborhood of $25 billion dollars and the population of California is roughly 37 million. If we simply follow my plan and we all do our part we can almost immediately make this deficit disappear all with no new taxes and no spending cuts. You may then be wondering how I intend to make $25 billion dollars simply appear if not by being miraculously pulled from betwixt my firm, shapely, hair dusted man buttocks. My proposal is this… Bake sale!
The only thing that Americans love more than their freedom is stuffing their faces with delicious home baked treats. And if they can ensure their freedoms BY stuffing their face, then that’s more American than stuffing a hot dog crammed apple pie right up grandma! My proposal is simply this: We have 37 million Californians, if we sell each of them a cupcake at say, $3 a pop, which I think is more than reasonable ’cause these are going to be high quality cupcakes, like, fancy cupcakery style, not like day old, two bite, grainy frosting, nuggets of dry throat plug. So, $3 a cupcake and, let’s say another dollar for a good sized paper cup (earth friendly!) of fresh squeezed, ice cold lemonade, that’s $4 a piece, times 37 million, that’s a cool $148 million dollars. Clearly that doesn’t solve our budget problem in one afternoon, which is why my plan calls for mandatory participation by every Californian citizen in the extended state wide, tasty budget solve-party bake sale! That means that this entire budget problem can be solved as easily as having every California resident purchase one cupcake a day, three days a week, every week, for an entire year! Yum! Fiscal responsibility never tasted so good!
So really, at this point, with all of these incredibly simply and reasonable options on the table when we end up bankrupt and chasing each other on motorcycles through the wastelands for the last gallon of gas, you’ll at least know that we could have just gotten a little fat(ter) and avoided the whole damned mess if we’d just listened to me.
The Costs of Illegal Immigration to Californians focuses on three specific program areas because those were the costs examined by researchers from the Urban Institute in 1994. Looking at the costs of education, health care and incarceration for illegal aliens in 1994, the Urban Institute estimated that California was subsidizing illegal immigrants to the tune of about $1.1 billion. Costs of illegal immigrants over the intervening ten years is due to the rapid growth in illegal residents. It is reasonable to expect those costs to continue to soar if action is not taken to turn the tide.
We have a 24 billion deficit, so minus the cost of illegals and we’re doing pretty good. NO more freebies this is just ludicrous.
Thanks for the response Candie! I hate fruits and vegetables too!
I see that you’ve been around “Candie” leaving this same “comment” anywhere that mentions the California Budget. That would seem to constitute spam, and that the filter that tried to delete you was correct in doing so. That being the case, you probably won’t even exist to hear my response, so I’m not sure why I’m replying. Is it because I love Mexicans, or because I hate robots? I’m not sure, but I do know that I hate how much I love Mexican robots.
As per usual with those who feel like laying all of their world’s woes on the feet of anyone a darker hue than there own, your answer is a narrow, simplistic, regurgitated chunk of information that you no doubt found someone similarly fearful of the color brown saying somewhere else.
Your “complaint” such as it is, is an also thinly veiled hatred of really anyone who is struggling for a better life, be they dirty, filthy, illegals, or dirty, filthy, legal working poor. Those sons of bitches, leaching off of the system, just lazily suckling the teat of your tax dollars, perfectly content with being destitute and struggling for the barest necessities and loving every minute of it! Scum bags! I’m sure the cost of educating, healing and jailing legal poor people is a pretty big strain on the people as well, so really what you would like is for us to just cut ’em all loose and let ’em fend for themselves, preferably for your own viewing enjoyment. Which is fine, you’re entitled to your opinion, which I’m sure is hypocritical to your religious beliefs.
Anyhoozle. Thanks again for stopping by! I look forward to hearing more of your recycled opinions, REAL soon!
Buh-bye now!