Check out this Swedish high school vagina! Wait, no, wait. Not like that. I mean, vagina art. Really vaguely vaginally. A Swedish artist, known for vagina themed art is now having her knowingly vagina themed art, scrutinized by the people who commissioned it. Art, Sweden and vaginas are all confusing.
Originally posted on Your Daily Media
Sweden isn’t like us. Their furniture is named after the sounds of Vikings vomiting, and whereas our junior highs are often littered in crudely sprayed dong graffiti, Swedish middle schools are covered in happy grinning vulva.
Apparently renowned vadge illustrator, Carolina Falkholt’s latest work, which I have helpfully titled “You Know it’s a Vagina, Come On,” has sparked some controversy in the normally laid back Norse homeland.
Falkholt’s latest piece of allegedly titillating crotch art was targeted for whitewashing by the “municipal head of children, youth and cultural affairs” in Nyköping, because of the potentially inappropriate setting: a busy stairwell in a middle school. Though, given Myorfts (Swedish for “Mrs.”) Falkholt’s penchant for doodling clams, it was a fact probably/hopefully considered when the piece was commissioned by the school last Fall.
Fans of Glutok (“Lady”) Falkholt, and vaginas in general, rushed to her defense on her Facebook page questioning those who might find the mural offensive–a sentiment that I can’t help but agree with. Having never run into a similar vagina in the wild, I’m more upset imagining that someone is just lying to me, telling me that this is actually a vagina and that I might have mistakenly beaten off to a faux gash halfway through this article.
As of this reporting, the mural remains proudly displayed on the walls of the Nyköping school, just waiting to be slathered in a thick, sticky white substance which will forever sully its beauty and purity.