We threatened it, and now here it is, Van Full of Candy’s YouTube debut, “Disgusting Beard”. Look for more videos soon from Van Full of Candy, along with daily articles, blogs and random nonsense. We have all the humor you could ever need, all in one place. You’re welcome internet. You’re welcome.
Tell us what you think, share it with your friends, share it with your enemies, just share it, watch it over and over, we like it when our numbers are pretty and abundant! LOVE US!
This was tediously painful to watch. Can I have some candy now?
Tediously painful in a fun and hilarious way though… right?
I just want to tell you that your site is incredible, i love to read http://www.vanfullofcandy.com !
The only problem with this video is that you shouldn’t be able to see the tables and couch through the pizza boxes and cat hair.