If you like one thing, but wonder what it would look like if that one thing you like lived in the world of another thing you like, well you’re in luck because you have “the Internet”. The Internet is a magical place where you every dream exists, just waiting for you to find it, and your every nightmare waits to be discovered so that it can never be forgotten. You take the good with the bad when it comes to the world inter-highway.
Cultural mash-ups are all the rage. Transposing beloved characters from our youth (generally into more grown-up situations), gritty-fy-ing the innocent images with a harder edge generally seems to tickle our weird and twisted fancies lately. This brings us to artist Kasami-Sensei.
Taking the standard soft and fluffy base (in this case, Disney/Pixar feature film characters, i.e. the epitome of soft and fluffy) and dropping it into an equally though differently beloved pop culture hard and dirty context (this time, the zombi-apocalypse landscape of AMC’s “Walking Dead”), Kasami has re-imagined some of your favorite kids movie stars as horror movie survivors. And while the project is presented as “The Walking Disney” thus linking these characters to the style of the “Walking Dead” world, really, some of the looks of the ladies more closely resemble B-zombie horror fare, but I think we’ll just gloss over that and enjoy the work as intended. Shall we?