Hey! Remember the Haiku contest? Oh, those were the days, we were all so young. Well, for those that don’t and don’t care enough to look through the archives to find it. We had a contest in which participants submitted their best Van themed Haiku. And after weeks of heated competition and literally ten of entries, on April 11th, we crowned Debapom Saha’s stirring #FriendsForever, the winner of the Van Full of Candy 2011 Van Haiku Contest! And there was much celebration. Promises were made. We inserted Debapom’s winning Haiku into all of our web presences, our home page, our twitterer our book of faces, et al, etc, chicka boom. Of course we also promised a candy prize to both him and either of the runners ups who felt comfortable giving us their addresses. Well, finally after months of deliberation and careful, painstaking sifting through the back of our van in search of candies not already open and half eaten we found the least sticky and mysterious of our stock, boxed it up and sent it through the United States Postal Service to Debapom Saha and runner up Scott Petty. Yesterday, they arrived. Crammed tightly inside a medium sized Priority Mail flat rate box and addressed to Debapom was THIS diabetes grenade:
So delicious, it pained me to send it all away, but a promise is a promise… And two days later…
Recognising exactly what he had on his hands; a candy van started kit, it seemed Debapom had fully embraced his new life’s path…
A wink is as good as a nod to a blind man Debapom… Meanwhile, almost simultaneously, runner up Scott Petty received his prize…
… and immediately put one half of the team what rewarded him, in mortal danger of having all of his beautiful lady fans send him sexy packages full of sexyness and yum. Then upon tearing open his consolation prize what to his wondering eyes did appear?
But the God of Thunder with an extendable throat full of Odin’s Treats and a seemingly endless supply of Asgardian Power Rectangle refills! And our promise was fulfilled. Sure, it took a little while, but we made it happen, because we at Van Full of Candy are as good as our word! We’re looking forward to putting together another ridiculous contest in the possibly near future. What it’ll be, we have no idea, but we’ll take any excuse to interact with you, our loyal fans. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop us a line, either here, or facebook or twitter, where ever you find us. Anyway, thanks again for your participation and your patience Debapom and Scott and thanks to everybody for reading and watching, we really do appreciate it. Things are just going to continue to get bigger and better, so stick around and tell everyone you meet! The Van’s a comin’! And we’re bringin’ Candy with us! Ya hear me!? We’re bringin’ Candy with us!
Oh no. Thank YOU Van Full of Candy. Just wish I would have spelled delivered correctly in my tweet. Good stuff.