The War on Fake Drugs Doesn’t Claim Another Victim

Before we get started let me just say I am not mocking the death of a thirteen year old boy here. I would just like to make that perfectly clear right away. I don’t know how many times just this week I’ve been wrongfully accused of celebrating teen deaths and I’m sick of it. It […]

Supour Heroues

First: I’m the bloody Batgent, guv’na! Then: Spider-Lad, Spider-Lad, does what ever is not unbecoming of a Spider-Lad to do! And now… Look, up in the air, it’s a parrot! It’s a sky lorry! No, it’s — Superbloke! What in the name of god’s three color butt hole is going on here!? Batman, Superman, Spider-Man. Three fictional […]