Japanese Karaoke Machines Give Real Rock ‘n Roll Rewards: Naked Ladies

Ask any rock star — hell, ask any rocket scientist; whether it’s shredding some hot licks or calculating some sick ass sums, they’re all doing it for the groupies. Yes, science groupies. Don’t think it’s a thing? I do. I haven’t specifically searched to prove it’s a thing, but if you find that there’s no […]

Graduation Day At This Japanese Art School Is Crazy Rad

Creative people being allowed to do creative things usually yields awesome. Add to that equation “Japan” and then you need to just sit back and enjoy the extra layer of fantastical insanity glaze slathered over the top. Originally posted on Your Daily Media If we’ve learned anything recently, it’s that when you give Asian students […]

Japanese Performance Art Troupe’s Performance, Actually Art

The world of performance art usually hates both performance and art. But in this rare case, we get something that is actually both. Originally posted on Your Daily Media ​Usually, when I hear the term “performance art” the first image that springs to mind is a be-dreadlocked gentleman clogging up a busy downtown sidewalk, stapling […]