Time Litter! Did Time Travelers Leave Time Garbage Back In Ancient Times?

Time travel: is it possible? What are its practical purposes? When will it be achievable? Will time travelers wear easily lose-able finger watches which they’ll haphazardly scatter across the time-scape? All of these questions and more run through my head every day. Be glad you’re not in my head. Originally posted on Your Daily Media […]

All Hail Our New Mercurian Overlords

As we all know, space wants nothing more than to kill us, leaving us gasping in the vacuum of space, laughing at our simple frozen flesh, with its gas giants and dark… dwarf… holes. Space is kind of a dick. But now, after this new discovery of Mercury’s rocky, bored face, we know space probably […]

Google’s DeepMind Will Be Here Shortly—To Clean Your Cage, Human Scum

In case you haven’t noticed (and judging by your lack of constant screaming in horror at what is to come, I’ll just assume you haven’t), Google has been amassing quite the catalog of robot parts. I’m sure it’s all innocent enough, at least, that’s what my Google Chip told me to say. Originally posted on […]

Thank You Idaho: VFoC’s Official Vodka Brand Found

Oh boy, are you in for an extra special, super sensational treat of an occasion of an extravaganza! You’ve joined me just in time to witness the introduction to you, our fine, loyal, theoretical fan, of my very own all new brand of sugary snacking cakes! They’re going to be a delicious chocolate brownie, smothered […]

VFoC Podcast — “The Van Full of Candy Show: Episode 1: The Beginining”

The debut of “The Van Full of Candy Show”, our LIVE weekly podcast just wrapped up and it went off without not having hitches! We may or may not have been live, we couldn’t tweet out, it was kind of a mess. We had our shit together Blog Talk Radio, you fall in line or […]

Cut It Out China! You're Freaking Us Out!

China is going to murder us from the sky! How do I know? The Googles! The Googles told me! … GOOGLES! Alright, let me back up here, this may require slightly more explanation than me shouting “The Googles” at you until it makes sense. That could take days. Days that WE DON’T HAVE! First, take a […]

The Death of Winehouse, Parte the Third: The Resolutioning

A pathologist says Amy Winehouse consumed a “very large quantity of alcohol” prior to her death. What? Wait, what? No, wait… WHAT?! NO!? WHAT?! Wait, WHAT!?! NO!? Suhail Baithun has told an inquest into the singer’s’ death that blood and urine samples showed she was 4.5 times over the legal drunk-driving limit. Are you– But […]

A Priest, A Rabbi and an iPhone 5 Walk Into a Bar …

… the bartender says, “What’ll it be fellas?”. The iPhone says, “I don’t know about these two stiffs, but I wanna tie one on and go home with a stranger.”. Ok, so WTF Apple employees? This is beginning to be some sort of alcohol induced habit. You get your prototype, you go out drinking, and […]

For the Last Time: Kanye West is Not Hitler

People, this has simply got to stop. It seems a week doesn’t go by that I don’t have to step up and say the unpopular, but almost impossibly obvious to one and all: Kanye West is not Hitler. I thought we went over this. I thought we had all come to an understanding, that while Kanye […]

Run Nessie! They Done Shot Chupie!

There are so many unknowns in this world. So many things that live with us every day, unseen, thought lost or having not even yet been discovered by man. The great mysteries of the world we live in intrigue us every day, push explorers toward the outer reaches of our understanding and beyond. What is it about […]