The “Squatty Potty” Will Drop You On Your Ass… Properly

I know I don’t have to remind YOU that March was National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. And if you’re anything like me, you celebrated it by buying your ass hole a present. Mine, was a new ergonomic stool to help me make my stool. Originally posted on Your Daily Media ​Doodies. Poo-poo ca-ca. The Number Twos. […]

No Self Control? No Problem! iBag Will Protect Your Wallet From You

When I have money (which is almost never) I know the constant urge to throw it away at the first shiny or delicious thing that crosses my field of vision. So I get needing something to protect me from myself. I also get needing to develop some sort of god damned self control too since […]

Cannadom: The Pot Flavored Condom That Gets Everything Right, Wrong

Like sex but hate enjoying it? Like pot but can’t stand getting high? Well have we got just the thing for you! All of the great taste of marijuana with NONE of the intoxicating effects, slathered on the outside of a prophylactic! Or you could just punch yourself in the taint with a “water pipe”… Originally […]

Thank You Idaho: VFoC’s Official Vodka Brand Found

Oh boy, are you in for an extra special, super sensational treat of an occasion of an extravaganza! You’ve joined me just in time to witness the introduction to you, our fine, loyal, theoretical fan, of my very own all new brand of sugary snacking cakes! They’re going to be a delicious chocolate brownie, smothered […]

Coffee Can Suck It … I’m Huffing My Caffeine !!

Let’s be honest with ourselves, coffee tastes like shit! But that black liquid crack ass drink can be doctored up enough with 4 or 5 Splenda, 1/4 cup of half & half, a little cinnamon on top and BAMMM!! Something tolerable. But then you really need to take into consideration all the time and preparation […]

VFoC Podcast — “The Van Full of Candy Show: Episode 3: Master of Blow Pops”

Best. Episode. Yet! And no, I’m not just saying that because a sexy Van Fan professed her attraction for Candy Man, Jesse Jones in the second half of the episode, but that sure as hell doesn’t hurt its quality! In tonight’s episode of “The Van Full of Candy Show” we discussed our respective Valentines Dayses. […]

Party People! You Win Some, You Lose Some: Headaches vs. Mistake Babies

This week has been an uneven one for those who like to party first and deal with party related consequences eventually. We at Van Full of Candy are known to be fans of both “Party” and “Consequences”. The first is fun, the second is hilarious and the combination of the two is often hilariously fun. […]

Weight Loss & Muscle Gain … The Van Full of Candy Way

We all overate this past week, and we’re all still eating the leftovers pretending those calories don’t count, well, because they’re leftovers and only the original three meals make us fat. Well if you want to melt those holiday pounds right off your skeleton, then look no further. We here at Van Full of Candy […]

One Million Moms Hate Balls

During the winter break of my Sophomore year at the University of Nevada, Reno (go fighting Soft Sixteens!) I took a backpacking excursion through the inhospitable wilderness of the South American rainforest. I hiked for nine days with my trusty guide Tuo Uu-nu Eepchak. I was but a fool child, ill prepared for the conditions I would face […]

In the Air and Office Chairs: Lady Parts is Everywheres!

Hey you, shut up, I have a penis and it demands to be heard! I am a man, and as such, it is my god given duty to not care about a woman’s pleasure! My divinely given external genitalia are my genetic signal to all of the animal kingdom that I am strong and make fire […]