Musical Cigarettes, Farting Texts: The Future of Cell Phone Technology

Technology: it just does things. It doesn’t stop to ask if anyone might want or need the things it’s doing. That’s for marketeers to figure out. Technology just sees that it can accidentally do something when it was meaning to do something else. Then does it. For better or for usually the other thing. Originally […]

The Social (Drinker) Network: LIVR

It’s a universally accepted truth that things are more fun with a little splash of fire water. We here at Van Full of Candy have been sharing our love of the laugh liquid for some time now and soon, you’ll be able to party exclusively with those sociable drunks in your immediate area via the […]

No Self Control? No Problem! iBag Will Protect Your Wallet From You

When I have money (which is almost never) I know the constant urge to throw it away at the first shiny or delicious thing that crosses my field of vision. So I get needing something to protect me from myself. I also get needing to develop some sort of god damned self control too since […]

Subway Advertising Technology Leaps Forward In Sweden

If you’ve ever been on a subway in America, odds are you’re dead. If you’ve somehow managed to survive you are no doubt filled with memories of not cool advertising. Those are the only two possibilities. In Sweden, cool things are happening in the subway, partly not death, but also other cool things like this. […]

Rocket Cats: The Secret Weapon of 16th Century German Warfare

Technology advances at a break neck speed, military technology usually leading the way. We’ve gone from rocks and sticks to lasers and nuclear fire in the cosmic blink of an eye. But obviously along the way there have been intermediate steps. Like, you know, strapping 16th century rockets to 16th century cats to unleash on […]

Science Is Dumb

You haven’t died from Polio, and through the miracle of modern technology, that bowling trophy’s broken arm was safely rescued from deep within my “fun house”. But aside from that, what has science done for any of us?  For every life saving vaccine or highly specialized rectal jaws of life that science accidentally discovers, there are […]