This 1950’s Housewife On Acid Is Fantastic

Drugs are bad. We know this because we’ve been told so and because having them while in the presence of authority figures, leads you to not having them, or most of the rest of your previous things and life. So, clearly they must be terrible. Unless they’re not. In which case, there’s a lot of […]

Time Litter! Did Time Travelers Leave Time Garbage Back In Ancient Times?

Time travel: is it possible? What are its practical purposes? When will it be achievable? Will time travelers wear easily lose-able finger watches which they’ll haphazardly scatter across the time-scape? All of these questions and more run through my head every day. Be glad you’re not in my head. Originally posted on Your Daily Media […]

Rocket Cats: The Secret Weapon of 16th Century German Warfare

Technology advances at a break neck speed, military technology usually leading the way. We’ve gone from rocks and sticks to lasers and nuclear fire in the cosmic blink of an eye. But obviously along the way there have been intermediate steps. Like, you know, strapping 16th century rockets to 16th century cats to unleash on […]

Cannadom: The Pot Flavored Condom That Gets Everything Right, Wrong

Like sex but hate enjoying it? Like pot but can’t stand getting high? Well have we got just the thing for you! All of the great taste of marijuana with NONE of the intoxicating effects, slathered on the outside of a prophylactic! Or you could just punch yourself in the taint with a “water pipe”… Originally […]

For The Athlete Who Doesn’t Want To Do Anything Athletic, Introducing: FootGolf

Like drying paint watching grass grow, the “excitement” of “FootGolf” is coming to a “town” near “you”. Hey! You got your boring in my monotonous! No, you got your monotonous in my boring! Two lame tastes that taste lame together. Too old for soccer? Too young for golf? We’ve got the solution that no one […]

Proof That There Is Nothing They Can’t Taco: Meet Taco Bell’s Waffle Taco

Taco Bell has long been at the forefront of nonsensical food technology. It is for this that we thank them. Do you have any idea how many food-like and Mexi-esque words have been introduced to the digestive distress catalog by these lunatics? Well, strap your stomach in, ’cause you’re about to meet a whole menu […]

Get Your Fill, of Art, With “365 Days of Penises”

Art is generally considered to be in the eye of the beholder. This exhibit though, you generally want to point away from your eyes. So, get comfy and settle in for a hot, sticky face full of art created by one man with a white board and a dream. A dream of many, many penises. […]

2 Cellos Covers AC/DC’s Thunderstruck With… Two Cellos…

“Classy Rock”. It’s a new genre that I just made up right this second. It involves people with training, more in the classical realm, classing the shit out of classic rock. There’s a lot of classic going on. And when you add a shiny coat of sophistication to the workin’ man’s rock and or roll, […]

Pot’s Growing Legality Makes Girl Scout Cookie Sales Almost TOO Easy

Not too long ago, there was a time when everyone wasn’t racing gay marriage and pot legalization like they were dogs around a track. Now a days there’s fewer and fewer places that you can’t either as a dude, marry another dude, or purchase the Mary Tobacco Cronic like it’s a pack of healthful honest […]

All Hail Our New Mercurian Overlords

As we all know, space wants nothing more than to kill us, leaving us gasping in the vacuum of space, laughing at our simple frozen flesh, with its gas giants and dark… dwarf… holes. Space is kind of a dick. But now, after this new discovery of Mercury’s rocky, bored face, we know space probably […]