NFL's Unluckiest Photographer Retires

Barry Kalinowski, the world’s most unlucky NFL football photographer, surprisingly announced his retirement today after covering the game for 34 years. After graduating from Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute (TVI) in 1975, Barry started his photography career at Picture Your Pet, a small studio in Roswell, New Mexico.  “Dogs were impossible.  Those dang dogs would just […]

Van Full of Candy’s 2011 Predictions

With the new year, a lot of people like to make predictions about the upcoming hellscape that will be the coming trip around the sun. Impotently grasping for meaning and some illusion of control or understanding in a world where absolutely nothing makes sense. And we’re no different, except for how we’re exactly nothing at […]

Hi! We’re The Sticker’s

Look at ’em, staring at me while I sit at this eternal red light, where eternal is roughly one minute and 13 seconds.  They’re all perfect and happy and … not obese.  Where do they come from?  Why do they exist?  Where in the hell do you purchase them?  The most logical explanation would be […]

Science Is Dumb

You haven’t died from Polio, and through the miracle of modern technology, that bowling trophy’s broken arm was safely rescued from deep within my “fun house”. But aside from that, what has science done for any of us?  For every life saving vaccine or highly specialized rectal jaws of life that science accidentally discovers, there are […]